Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Mediation met computer mindmapping

Trefwoorden conflict management, Mindmapping, business conflict, Information technology
Auteurs Dr. Joost Alexander van Boeschoten

Dr. Joost Alexander van Boeschoten
Joost Alexander van Boeschoten is onafhankelijk adviseur bij Contrasticon BV voor directies van IT-afnemers en -leveranciers, die hij helpt bij het succesvol vorm en inhoud geven aan hun samenwerkingsrelaties. Afhankelijk van de wensen van de opdrachtgever(s) treedt hij op als eenzijdig adviseur of tussenpartijdig bemiddelaar, zoals bij mediation.
  • Samenvatting

      A novel approach to mediation is applied in a conflict between an IT-vendor and its customer. In a series of mediation sessions a computer-based Mindmap, displayed on a large screen, is developed as the model that contains the shared understanding between parties of their conflict. The Mindmap is constructed ‘life’, as the mediator facilitates the conversation between parties. It structures surface level symptoms, issues, root causes, and finally builds a set of solutions. This approach to mediation brings at least three main benefits: (1) it promotes shared unambiguous understanding of the conflict, because the parties build one shared model containing their views, (2) it promotes a balance of power, because it works counter to certain negotiation tricks, such as truth by repetition, riding hobby horses, power play, insults, et cetera, and (3) it depersonalises the conflict, as the conflict is encapsulated in the model. Computer mindmapping also provides a self-documenting process.

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