Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Colloquium Konfliktmanagement III

Trefwoorden Conflictmanagement, inhouse systems
Auteurs Luc Demeyere

Luc Demeyere
Luc Demeyere is advocaat bij de balie te Antwerpen.
  • Samenvatting

      On 19-20 November 2009 the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg (Germany) in cooperation with the Viadrina European University Frankfurt (Oder) held its third bi-annual colloquium on conflictmanagement. The subtitle ‘From the components to a system’ announced that a number of in-house developed systems on conflictmanagement would be presented. Presentations were held by in-house counsel of E.ON, SAP, Bombardier and Deutsche Bahn. In 2007 a number of large German companies founded the ‘Round Table Mediation and Conflictmanagement of the German Industry’. The colloquium demonstrated that important thought-efforts in the design of more value-adding systems resulted in intelligent schemes.

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