Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Zakelijk conflictmanagement in breed perspectief

Eisen en prikkels vanuit risicomanagement, kostenbeheersing, actualiteiten ADR/EDR en het juridisch kader

Trefwoorden risk management, cost control, ADR/EDR, legal context
Auteurs Ellen van Beukering

Ellen van Beukering
Ellen van Beukering is docent, adviseur, auteur en redacteur van dit tijdschrift. E-mail:
  • Samenvatting

      In this contribution an overview is given of the most recent developments with regard to commercial dispute management and its legal context, in particular in the Netherlands. Firstly, a focus is put on the importance of integral conflict management on the basis of ADR/EDR from the perspective of risk management and cost control. Secondly, recent developments with regard to effective dispute resolution, in particular in government policy, ADR/EDR and in the legal context are discussed. The judicial and the extrajudicial system offer conflict parties various possibilities to effective and efficient dispute resolution. Further, special attention is paid to mediation clauses in commercial contracts. With regard to the European Directive of 21 May 2008 on mediation in civil and commercial matters, Directive 2008/52/EC, its consequences to the Dutch legal system and its importance for commercial dispute resolution management are discussed.

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