Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Ervaringen van klagers en aangeklaagde artsen met het tuchtrecht

Trefwoorden tuchtrecht, gezondheidszorg
Auteurs Mr. Yasmine Alhafaji, Mr. dr. Brenda Frederiks en Prof. mr. Johan Legemaate

Mr. Yasmine Alhafaji
Yasmine Alhafaji is als onderzoekster verbonden aan het VU Medisch Centrum, afdeling Sociale Geneeskunde/EMGO Instituut.

Mr. dr. Brenda Frederiks
Brenda Frederiks is universitair docent gezondheidsrecht en is verbonden aan het VU Medisch Centrum, afdeling Sociale Geneeskunde/EMGO Instituut.

Prof. mr. Johan Legemaate
Johan Legemaate is hoogleraar gezondheidsrecht en is verbonden aan het VU Medisch Centrum, afdeling Sociale Geneeskunde/EMGO Instituut.
  • Samenvatting

      If a patient is not satisfied with any aspects of health care, he or she can file a complaint. In the Netherlands, as in other countries, there are several ways for handling patients’ complaints. One of the possibilities is to lodge a complaint with the medical disciplinary board. In 1997, the Individual Health Care Professions Act came into force. The main goals of this Act are to promote the quality of professional practice and to protect patients against unprofessional health care professionals.In 2008 research was undertaken into the experiences of patients (or others acting on behalf of them) with the disciplinary procedure. A sample of both complainants and practitioners against whom a complaint was lodged were interviewed about their expectations and experiences. The main conclusion is that for several reasons both parties are dissatisfied with the current procedure. This paper provides an overview of the outcome of the interviews. In addition, some concrete proposals are made regarding the improvement of the current disciplinary procedure.

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