Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Je Verhaal Mogen Doen: Hersteldenken als rode draad van Narratieve Criminologie en Victimologie

Verslag van het 4e Narrative Criminology Congres in Antwerpen (2-4 juli 2023)

Trefwoorden narratieve victimologie, narratieve criminologie, congresverslag, hersteldenken
Auteurs Alice Bosma en Jolan van den Broeck

Alice Bosma
Alice Bosma is onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving en Wetenschappelijk Bureau van het openbaar Ministerie.

Jolan van den Broeck
Jolan van den Broeck is junior projectmedewerker bij Restorative Justice Nederland, vrijwilliger bij COSA en studeert comparative criminal justice aan de Universiteit Leiden. Zijn bachelor thesis betrof het thema restorative cities.
  • Samenvatting

      This article reports on the 4th Narrative Criminology Conference held in Antwerp in July 2023. Questions like: ‘how to do justice to the lived reality of victims and offenders?’, ‘how to empathize with subjects’ sense of victimization when they have been convicted of abhorrant acts?’ and ‘how to put into words experiences that subjects cannot adequately describe?’ all relate to and are significant for restorative thinking. Keynotes, presentations and masterclasses showed the transformative power of storying experiences of crime and victimization. Even though restorative justice was not explicitly addressed, the importance of defining the self and the other in order to restore their relationship was well-represented during the conference. In this article, we report on a variety of presentations that were given during the conference, e.g., keynotes on narrative victimology, masterclasses in analysing the unsaid and conversations on visual criminology.

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