Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Herstelrecht als straf

Een paradigmaverschuiving binnen de herstelrechtelijke beweging?

Trefwoorden Paradigmaverschuiving, Straf, Strafrechtsysteem
Auteurs Christian Gade

Christian Gade
Christian Gade is Associate Professor Human Security and Anthropology aan de Aarhus University, Denemarken, en als mediator werkzaam in het Deense slachtoffer-dader mediation programma (Konfliktråd).
  • Samenvatting

      Restorative justice has frequently been presented as a new criminal justice paradigm, and as something that is radically different from punishment. The author argues that this ‘oppositioning’ against criminal law is problematic, partly because the restorative justice movement remains too much on the margins of the criminal justice system. Restorative justice could reasonably be more widely adopted as a new form of punishment, which could potentially increase the use of restorative justice for the benefit of victims, offenders and society at large.

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