Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Mediation in Strafzaken bezien vanuit een conferentieperspectief – complexe mediations

Trefwoorden Mediation in Strafzaken, Complexiteit, Partijen en deelnemers, herstelplan, gemeenschap
Auteurs Antonietta Pinkster

Antonietta Pinkster
Antonietta Pinkster is advocaat en mediator in strafzaken, lid van de Raad van Toezicht van de Mediatorsfederatie Nederland, oud-voorzitter van de Vereniging van Mediators in Strafzaken (VMSZ) en lid van het College van Beroep van de Stichting Tuchtrechtspraak Mediators.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article the author explains how complex mediation in criminal cases functions in the existing Dutch justice system and explores the ways in which it could advance the application of restorative justice therein. Mediation in criminal cases is applied in a setting with offender and victim and can become complex by the number of people involved. There is a difference between parties to a mediation and participants. Application of mediation in newly formulated criminal proceedings could give meditations more the character of restorative justice conferences when more participants will be involved. It is interesting to explore whether mediations in criminal cases can contribute to expanding the application of restorative justice by extending it to include the ‘community’ dimension as a party. After all, the community as such has so far not been a party in a mediation, although sometimes the community will have a direct and sometimes indirect interest in the outcome of a mediation. When the (immediate) environment also becomes part of the restorative justice intervention it can be seen as the last form of recovery. In the long run restorative (justice) conferences and sentencing circles can also be explored in line with ideas of Claessen. However, Pinkster currently warns that caution is needed to protect the principles of a fair trial, as long as criminal trials are not fully replaced by restorative justice.

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