Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Wroclaw: stad van honderden bruggen als Restorative City

Trefwoorden Herstelgerichte stad, conflicttransformatie, gemeenschapsvorming, veiligheid, multilevel bestuur
Auteurs Anna Matczak

Anna Matczak
Anna Matczak is docent Comparative Criminology and Researcher at the Centre of Expertise on Global Governance, THUAS, Haagse Hogeschool. Ze is voorzitter van de Research Committee van het European Forum for Restorative Justice en restorative justice mentor van de Wrocław Restorative Justice Board.
  • Samenvatting

      The article describes what a restorative city is by looking at research, experiences in different countries and by describing the developments in Restorative City Wrocław. A restorative city is a city that recognises its urban environment as a network of relations in which – in the case of conflict – citizens, institutions and organisations choose a restorative approach to finding a solution in the first place. This necessitates proactive responses to conflict resolution, which go beyond criminal justice and crime prevention strategies that are still predominantly of a reactive nature. The concept of the restorative justice city builds a ‘criminology of trust’, for which crime is not a risk to be managed and controlled but a harm to be addressed by penal policies based on respect, solidarity, inclusion and active participation The restorative city concept, as also seen in Wrocław, is gaining momentum and while it is becoming an appealing policy transfer in an increasingly globalized world.

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