Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Evoluties in het Vlaams herstelrechtelijke beleid sinds 2000

Trefwoorden Vlaams justitieel beleid, Vlaamse wetgeving, detentie, herstelgerichte, herstelrecht
Auteurs Ivo Aertsen

Ivo Aertsen
Ivo Aertsen is emeritus hoogleraar KU Leuven, Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie.
  • Samenvatting

      Restorative justice practices and policies have been growing in Belgium during last three decades. This article looks in particular at policy developments in the Flemish Community. It reconstructs how restorative justice has adopted a legal basis in 2005 and 2006 respectively in adult criminal law and juvenile justice. The rise and fall of the Belgian model of ‘restorative prisons’ is discussed. Special attention goes to the role of the Belgian State reform process, where the regions were given more competencies also in restorative justice matters. We investigate how this process of devolution has shaped the restorative justice landscape for the sectors of penal mediation, restorative mediation and conferencing. Some ambivalences in policy making are shown. Moreover, in recent years there are signs of a declining political interest in restorative justice.

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