Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Is herstelrecht voor jeugdigen volwassen geworden?

Trefwoorden jeugdstrafrecht, jeugdherstelrecht, binding, kinderrechten, herstelrechtelijk jeugdsanctierecht
Auteurs Annemieke Wolthuis

Annemieke Wolthuis
Annemieke Wolthuis is kinderrechter-plaatsvervanger bij de Rechtbank Rotterdam, mediator en vicevoorzitter van het European Forum for Restorative Justice.
  • Samenvatting

      The 20th anniversary of this journal is a good reason to glance back at developments with restorative justice for children and young people. Can we say that restorative youth justice has become mature? Some core events and articles about developments in Belgium, the Netherlands and elsewhere are discussed, paying attention to young suspects as well as victims. Subsequently, the embedding of restorative justice in youth laws is discussed. Finally, the article focuses on the question what should be done to improve the implementation into an effective, child friendly and ‘rights based’ youth sanction model.

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