Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Het ontrafelen van de effectpuzzel

Aandacht voor de werkzame ingrediënten van slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling voor daders

Trefwoorden Fellegi, moraliteit, neutralisatietechnieken, schaamte, sociale bindingen
Auteurs Sven Zebel

Sven Zebel
Sven Zebel is universitair hoofddocent aan de vakgroep Psychologie van Conflict, Risico en Veiligheid van de Universiteit Twente. In zijn onderzoek richt hij zich op de psychologische reacties op criminaliteit en conflict, en op de impact van interventies die trachten te herstellen en het risico op recidive te verlagen. In het bijzonder is hij geïnteresseerd in de inzet van digitale technologie om herstelrechtelijke (interactie)processen beter te begrijpen en te optimaliseren.
  • Samenvatting

      Why and how mediated contact between victims and offenders (and members from their networks) leads to positive outcomes, remains a difficult question to answer. Not surprisingly therefore, this topic has been the focus of attention of multiple articles in the past twenty years of this journal. In this contribution, the inspiring article of Borbala Fellegi (2008), titled ‘Explaining the impact of restorative justice. The “4-way interaction” of morality, neutralisation, shame and bonds’ is celebrated. Fellegi presents a theoretical framework in which the added value of restorative, mediated victim-offender meetings for the re-integration of offenders is outlined compared to other judicial responses to crime. Central to her argument is that the mediation process affects in particular the four criminogenic factors mentioned in the title. In this contribution two innovative, working mechanisms of the mediation process that she proposes, are highlighted. First, the preparation phase in which the neutral mediator initiates and facilitates discussion of the crime and its consequences for the victim(s) with the offender. Fellegi proposes that this mechanism can (start to) lift the criminogenic factor moral reasoning of the offender. Second, the restorative focus of the encounter itself between the victim and offender, in which both parties can express how they were affected, express their emotions (such as shame feelings of the offender) and discuss jointly how restoration and reparation might be achieved. This should reduce the criminogenic factor neutralisation, increase moral reasoning, and might contribute to integrative social bonds between the parties and their networks. Thus, Fellegi’s work has made innovative suggestions about the working mechanisms of victim-offender mediation – these suggestions offer useful hypotheses that can be tested empirically.

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