Ivo Aertsen, Anneke van Hoek, Nyanchama Okemwa, Sophie Van Reeth, Peter Vermeersch, Anneke Wensing
Structureel onrecht, maatschappelijke bewegingen en herstelrecht
Citaties in dit artikel
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This article discusses the concepts of society and community involvement as they appeared in the articles of the Dutch-Flemish <i>Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht</i> (Journal of Restorative Justice) during last 20 years. It shows how the journal from its very beginning adopted a strong focus on criminal justice reform, although restorative practices within the community occupied a considerable space in the consecutive volumes as well. Studies on restorative justice programmes in Belgium and The Netherlands, such as victim-offender mediation and family-group conferences, revealed a predominant orientation on interpersonal relationships stressing the role of the community of care. In the same sense, also community mediation and other community oriented restorative practices focus on the personal well-being of people and the improvement of personal and social relationships. Hence, both theory and practice face two important challenges in developing restorative justice: (1) which role to give to a larger community and how to operationalize its involvement, and (2) how to deal with underlying causes of crime and social-structural injustices? Referring to European action-research projects and to conceptual models developed outside Europe, a case is made for designing restorative justice methodologies and programmes involving civil society in a more encompassing way and linking micro to macro societal levels. Developing strategic alliances with new social movements could be the way forward.
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