Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Constructieve vergelding revisited

De grondslag van de straf vanuit herstelrechtelijk perspectief

Trefwoorden constructieve vergelding, communicatie, retributivisme, strafverlangens, ervaren erkenning
Auteurs Renée Kool

Renée Kool
Renée Kool is als universitair hoofddocent werkzaam aan het Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafrechtswetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Is the concept of ‘retribution’ compatible with restorative justice? Starting from the perspective that retribution is an imperative given and that restorative justice should be a preferent option in coping with crime, the concept of retribution needs to be redesigned. Rethinking retribution needs to take into account the hypersensitive nature and complexity of modern society. Apparently incompatible interests need to be reconciled, paying tribute to the citizenship of both the victim and the perpetrator. Notwithstanding censure to be in place, implying the infliction of ‘pain’, the aim must lie in a reconstruction of civil relationships affirming the victim and the perpetrator to be part of the community. Standards applied must reflect objectivity, implying proportionate punishment, with a preference towards restorative justice because it is the more subsidiary option. Thus, retribution notwithstanding the imperative and painful nature of retribution, the execution should pursue the reconstruction of (civil) relationships.

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