Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Mediation in strafzaken: de werkstijl is de methode

Reflecties op de praktijk

Trefwoorden strafzaken, mediation, mediatorprofiel, mediationproces, psychologische veiligheid
Auteurs Makiri Mual

Makiri Mual
Makiri Mual is mediator in familie- en strafzaken en rechtbankmediator MfN. Hij verbindt in zijn werk interventies uit de mediationpraktijk en de systeemtherapie en richt zich vooral op geëscaleerde conflicten die in het civiele en strafrecht belanden. Hij is docent bij de stichting EFT Nederland, opleider en voorzitter van de vereniging van strafmediators, VMSZ.
  • Samenvatting

      Since the beginning of 2020 mediation in penal cases (mediation in strafzaken) has officially become the preferred intervention for victim-offender mediation in the criminal procedure in the Netherlands. Although mediation in general has a sound theoretical framework, the methodological elaboration appears pluriform and somewhat limited. In practice mediators in penal cases operate conform their own personal and professional standards and preferences, apparently without tailor made methodology. This article describes the current methodological directions such as transformative or narrative mediation and seeks for useful references. As a part of restorative practice, mediation in penal cases seems to remain secluded from insights and methodology developed in the domain of restorative justice practices. Educational institutes providing trainings for mediators barely refer to this theoretical framework. Besides a methodological reconnaissance this article offers a fundamental comparison of mediation styles and interventions, but is above all an incentive to further methodological research and development.

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