Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Herstelrecht en Activisme van de Hoop

Een andere visie op de aanpak van radicalisering

Trefwoorden weder goedmaken, extremisme, terrorisme, achterstelling, onrecht
Auteurs Carl H.D. Steinmetz

Carl H.D. Steinmetz
Carl H.D. Steinmetz is managing director Expats & Immigrants B.V. in Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution advocates a fresh look at counteracting radicalization. Two frameworks are used for this. In the first place, that is the restorative justice that we have coined here as ‘making amends’. We need this normative framework because it provides clues for the prevention of ‘transgressing’ forms of radicalization, which can lead to extremism and terrorism. Secondly, we use an Activism of Hope framework, which states that we may and must resist social deprivation and injustice. After all, deprivation and injustice are the breeding ground for radicalization.

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