Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


De herstelrechtelijke reactie op extremistisch geweld

Trefwoorden extremisme, terrorisme, Spanje, Italië, Noord-Ierland
Auteurs Evelien Rens, Katrien Lauwaert en Ivo Aertsen

Evelien Rens
Evelien Rens is studente criminologische wetenschappen aan de KU Leuven en stagiaire bij Moderator Forum voor Herstelrecht en Bemiddeling vzw.

Katrien Lauwaert
Katrien Lauwaert is beleidscoördinator bij Moderator Forum voor Herstelrecht en Bemiddeling vzw en bijzonder hoogleraar restorative justice aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Ivo Aertsen
Ivo Aertsen is emeritus hoogleraar aan de KU Leuven, Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie en hoofdredacteur van The International Journal of Restorative Justice.
  • Samenvatting

      Organizing restorative justice practices around crimes involving extremist violence remains a difficult task. It is not self-evident to bring perpetrators with very specific and radical ideas into contact with their victims. Nevertheless, interesting initiatives have been made in a number of European countries. In Spain, Italy and Northern Ireland, among others, initiatives were taken in response to the extremist violence that these countries experienced at the end of the 20th century. These initiatives have a very specific context and praxis, initiated ad hoc with attention to the specific needs of those involved. In no case can they be considered standard models or generalized practices. This contribution describes some of these initiatives in Spain, Italy and Northern Ireland and reflects on the potential uses of these dialogues in general.

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