Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Mediation bij ZSM Midden-Nederland

De rol van de ketenpartners en optimalisering van doorverwijzingen

Trefwoorden ZSM, Midden-Nederland, ketenpartners, mediationbureau, Betekenisvolle afdoening
Auteurs Britt van der Plas

Britt van der Plas
Britt van der Plas heeft in 2018 de master Conflicthantering, rechtspraak en mediation aan de Vrije Universiteit afgerond. Daarvoor heeft zij de master Strafrecht aan de Universiteit Utrecht voltooid. Momenteel werkt zij als parketsecretaris bij het functioneel parket van het Openbaar Ministerie.
  • Samenvatting

      This article is based on research into the use of mediation in criminal cases at ZSM Midden-Nederland. It focusses on the question how referrals to mediation can be optimized. The research shows that there is much room for improvement and a broader deployment of mediation. Lack of knowledge of the criminal justice partners involved, leads to misconceptions about the mediation process, about which institution should be deployed, and about the (in)suitability of cases for mediation. This lack of knowledge seems to be greatest among the police, while they play an important role within ZSM. Moreover, Victim Support Netherlands has a dominant role in the choice whether or not to refer to mediation. The overall conclusion is that mediation is not yet sufficiently anchored in the criminal justice partners’ system.

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