Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Jonge daders: worstelen met sorry-zeggen

Is oprecht spijt betuigen doenlijk?

Trefwoorden Young offenders, Remorse, Sincerity, Perceptions-mismatch, victims
Auteurs Bas van Stokkom

Bas van Stokkom
Bas van Stokkom is hoofdredacteur van dit tijdschrift. Hij is verbonden aan de vaksectie Strafrecht & Criminologie, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Tot de thema’s die in zijn onderzoek aan bod komen, behoren politie, burgerschap en lokale veiligheidszorg, straftheorie en herstelrecht. www.basvanstokkom.nl
  • Samenvatting

      The apologies offered by young offenders in restorative justice conferences are often of poor quality. In this article the difficulties that accompany the offering of excuses are discussed. Offenders sometimes lack the language skills to pronounce an adequate apology, are anxious or insecure or believe that they have not been treated fairly. The mediation setting itself also has effects: sometimes perpetrators feel intimidated and feel compelled to say something that resembles an excuse. A related problem is that the perceptions about the sincerity of the apology can vary considerably. This perception-mismatch also occurs among victims: what one victim considers sincere is ‘fake’ for another. Many people
      – also advocates of restorative justice – trust that the offender will offer a sincere apology, without realizing that this is not self-evident in a thorny confrontation setting. This article aims to temper this sincerity-expectation.

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