Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Mijn excuses! – Wat jongeren kunnen leren van het excuusgesprek in de Halt-afdoening

Trefwoorden Young offenders, Halt, extra-judicial intervention, efficacy of offering an apology, moral norms
Auteurs Wendy Buysse en Manja Abraham

Wendy Buysse
Wendy Buysse is senior-onderzoeker bij onderzoeks- en adviesbureau DSP-groep in Amsterdam.

Manja Abraham
Manja Abraham is senior-onderzoeker bij onderzoeks- en adviesbureau DSP-groep in Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      The Halt-intervention is an extra-judicial intervention for young people who have committed a minor offense. This article zooms in on the results of a literature review concerning the efficacy of offering an apology, one of the core elements of the Halt-intervention. Offering an apology leads to more insight into the consequences of their behavior and it increases the sense of moral norms. Shame and guilt play a crucial role in this process. The effect of the excuse can be increased by good mediation between perpetrator and victim, good preparation of the conversation, and the drafting of a contract. These instructions can also be applied when offering an apology in other interventions.

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