Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Prevalentie van ernstige misdrijven bij slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling

Trefwoorden seriousness, offenses, mediation, range of cases, outcome
Auteurs Wendy Schreurs, Sven Zebel en Elze Ufkes

Wendy Schreurs
Wendy Schreurs is afgestudeerd aan de vakgroep Psychologie van Conflict, Risico en Veiligheid aan de Universiteit Twente, op onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van een ernstmonitor in de context van slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling. Ze werkt nu als PhD student op een project over de inzet van burgers bij politiewerk en interventies om die inzet te verbeteren.

Sven Zebel
Sven Zebel is universitair docent aan de vakgroep Psychologie van Conflict, Risico en Veiligheid van de Universiteit Twente. Hij houdt zich bezig met de psychologische reacties op wangedrag, conflicten en misdrijven, en de impact van interventies die trachten te herstellen en de kans op recidive te verkleinen (e.g. bemiddeling, reclasseringstoezicht, toekomstverbeelding).

Elze Ufkes
Elze Ufkes is universitair docent aan de vakgroep Psychologie van Conflict, Risico en Veiligheid aan de Universiteit Twente. Hij richt zich in zijn onderzoek op hoe groepsprocessen zoals groepslidmaatschap en stereotypering conflictgedrag van mensen beïnvloedt.
  • Samenvatting

      A debate exists in the literature about the question whether (different forms of) mediated contact between victims and offenders occur and are appropriate only after minor offenses. This contribution therefore examines whether a relationship exists between the seriousness of offenses and the degree to which in practice cases result in mediated contact, in the Dutch context. More specifically, we report the first findings of a study aimed to (a) examine the seriousness of cases that were registered at the foundation Slachtoffer in Beeld (Victim in Focus; responsible for the execution of mediated contacts between victims and offenders in the Netherlands), and (b) compare the seriousness of cases at this foundation that resulted in different forms of mediated contact (including cases in which no contact emerged). To this end, we sampled 200 cases from the data system of Victim in Focus in a random manner; consequently, the seriousness of each of these cases was coded. The mean duration of incarceration sentenced for specific offenses in the Netherlands was used as an (as objective as possible) indication of the seriousness of the offenses in these cases. The results indicated that the cases registered at Victim in Focus do not consist exclusively of minor offenses. A substantial part consists of more serious offenses, especially when this is compared to the prevalence of all (minor and serious) offenses in the Netherlands. In addition, we observed no relationship between the seriousness of cases and the form of mediated contact (or no contact) that emerged at Victim in Focus; mediated contact arose to the same degree for serious compared to minor offenses. The implications of these results for the debate mentioned above are discussed, taking into account the manner in which victim-offender mediation is organized in the Netherlands.

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