Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Jeugdstrafrecht naar Nieuw-Zeelands model

Een door herstelrecht geïnspireerde benadering

Trefwoorden jeugdsanctiemodel, Nieuw-Zeeland, family group conferencing
Auteurs Robert Ludbrook

Robert Ludbrook
Robert Ludbrook, een jurist woonachtig in Nieuw-Zeeland, zet zich al ruim dertig jaar in voor de verbetering van rechten van kinderen. Hij was in 1987 aanwezig bij de afsluitende sessie van de werkgroep die het IVRK voorbereidde. Van 1984 tot 1986 werkte hij voor de Children’s Legal Centre in Londen en in 1987 zette hij in Auckland een juridische actiegroep op, Youth Law. Daarnaast was hij oprichter en directeur van de Australian National Children’s and Youth Law Centre (1995-1997). Hij is (mede)auteur van een reeks boeken op het gebied van familierecht, kinderrecht en jeugdstrafrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Due to immigration the Dutch have made a significant contribution to the development of New Zealand, especially in the field of juvenile justice and adoption. As for New Zealand’s Youth Justice Service, the introduction of the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act in 1989 has been a landmark in New Zealand’s history of dealing with juvenile delinquency. While it was not designed as a restorative justice system, the current system is tuned towards restorative justice. Until then, New Zealand had a shameful history as far as the handling of juvenile delinquency is concerned. The Maori, whose youngsters were – and still are – overrepresented in juvenile statistics, heavily criticized this model, emphasizing the need to strengthen the bond between the (extended) family and the juvenile offender, as well as the need to provide for redress. In the same period, the United Nations Convention on Children’s Rights (UNCROC) was introduced (1989), the Act of 1989 paying tribute to the UNCROC. As the national juvenile justice system to some extent does not live up to the standards of the UNCROC, there remains room for improvement. However, black clouds gather over New Zealand’s juvenile justice system, for the present government has announced to be in favor of a punitive oriented policy; there is a call to get ‘tough on juvenile crime’. This policy, however, implies setting back the clock and endangers the current orientation on restorative justice, as well as the legal values set out by the UNCROC.

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