Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


De ontwikkeling van herstelrechtelijke praktijken in Noord-Ierland

Trefwoorden Noord-Ierland, Jeugdsanctiesysteem, Preventie, Jeugdrecht
Auteurs Martin McAnallen

Martin McAnallen
Martin McAnallen is ruim 35 jaar actief geweest in het reguliere strafrecht in Noord-Ierland. Sinds halverwege de jaren tachtig was hij nauw betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van de mediationpraktijk in Noord-Ierland en herstelrecht. In 1992 vervulde Martin een actieve rol bij de oprichting van wat nu heet Mediation Northern Ireland. Zijn speciale aandacht ligt bij slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling en in het bijzonder Family Group Conferencing met jonge daders. Hij is een ervaren trainer en publiceert in diverse tijdschriften.
  • Samenvatting

      This article provides a perspective on the development of restorative justice practice in Northern Ireland. The island of Ireland has a standing history as to the use of restorative justice. In fact, the earliest restorative form of law dates from 2000 BCE, the so-called Brehon Laws. To date, Northern Ireland features as a divided society; over the past 35 years intercommunity conflict brought devastation and heartbreak to the health of the community. Nevertheless, initial soundings were heard as to how the practice of restorative justice might be re-introduced to Northern Ireland. Already in 1989, the Probation Board indicated its intention of piloting a Victim Offender Mediation Programme. From that time, serious attempts were undertaken to implement restorative justice within the North-Irish society. Initiatives were undertaken by Republican as well as Loyalist communities, both being eager to move away from violent community based justice. Special attention was given towards juvenile crime. In 2000 this interest in restorative justice led to a commitment from the North-Irish authorities to put restorative justice matters at the heart of the criminal justice system for young offenders. As a result, in the Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002 the Youth Conference Service was initiated. Between 2003 and the present, Youth Conference Orders or Plans have been the most common disposals for adjudicated offenders up to eighteen years of age. The focus is on the parties resolving how the young person can make amends to the victim and what can be done to prevent further offending. All Agencies linked into the Youth Justice system recognize the special needs of young people. Recent figures show the numbers of young people going into youth custody in Northern Ireland have decreased due to the use of restorative justice models.

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