Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Woninginbraken tijdens COVID-19: de performantie van een voorspellend criminaliteitsmodel in tijden van pandemie

Trefwoorden predictive policing, crime pattern analysis, crime rates, big data, machine learning
Auteurs Wim Hardyns en Robin Khalfa

Wim Hardyns
Prof. dr. W. Hardyns is professor criminologie aan de Universiteit van Gent en professor veiligheidswetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Antwerpen. Hij doet onder meer onderzoek naar big data policing, spatiotemporele criminologie, misdaadpreventie, nieuwe veiligheidstechnologieën, radicalisering en terrorisme, en sportgerelateerde misdaad.

Robin Khalfa
Drs. R. Khalfa is doctoraatsstudent aan de Universiteit van Gent. Zijn doctoraat spitst zich toe op de effectiviteit van big data policing in België.
  • Samenvatting

      In this contribution, the authors examine the spatiotemporal distribution of residential burglaries in a Belgian police zone based on monthly residential burglaries before and during the COVID-19 crisis and assess the performance of a predictive crime model during this period. In general, compared to 2019, there were fewer home burglaries in 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis. Except for a few changes, the spatial distribution of residential burglaries in 2020 is largely similar to that of residential burglaries in 2019. The authors observe that the predictive crime model performs significantly worse at the start of the pandemic and when severe measures are taken, but that the model’s performance then rises again after a few months as the algorithm becomes more proficient in adjusting itself to big societal changes.

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