Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Risicogedrag van jongeren

In hoeverre verschilt de invloed van leeftijdsgenoten op het beginnen met risicogedrag en aanpassen in risicogedrag?

Trefwoorden antisocial behavior, social network analysis, SIENA, subtance use, onset
Auteurs Dr. Aart Franken, Dr. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Dr. Zeena Harakeh en Dr. Wilma Vollebergh

Dr. Aart Franken
Dr. A. Franken is psycholoog NIP (i.o.t. gz-psycholoog) bij de Praktijk voor leer- en gedragsadviezen.

Dr. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra
Dr. J.K. Dijkstra is UHD Sociologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en senior-analist RIEC Noord.

Dr. Zeena Harakeh
Dr. Z. Harakeh is onderzoeker bij TNO, expertisegebied Child Health.

Dr. Wilma Vollebergh
Prof. dr. W.A.M. Vollebergh is emeritus hoogleraar Jeugdstudies aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Studies investigating peer influence on risk behaviors, such as antisocial behavior and substance abuse, mostly study the amount of change in which adolescents adapt their risk behavior to become more similar to their friends. Onset of risk behavior, changing form having no experience to having any experience with risk behavior, has been studies far less. This study investigates friends’ influence on the onset of risk behavior and their influence in changes in risk behavior. Hypotheses were tested using SNARE (Social Network Analysis of Risk behavior in Early adolescence) data (N=1.144), containing information on risk behavior (i.e. antisocial behavior, alcohol use, and tobacco use) and friendship networks at three timepoints during the first year of secondary education (Mage= 12.7; SD=0.47). Analyses, using longitudinal social network analysis (RSIENA), showed that although adolescents adapt their risk behavior to become more similar to their friends, they are not influence in by their friends in the onset of risk behavior. These findings suggest s more nuanced role of friends in the onset of risk behavior. Interventions aiming at friends might benefit from differentiating between the onset and further (dis)continuation of risk behavior as these friendship influence processes might be less relevant for the onset of risk behavior.

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