Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Victimologie en corruptie: over de slachtoffers van een (al dan niet) slachtofferloos delict

Een multidisciplinaire verkenning

Trefwoorden bribery, corruption, victims, victimless crimes, victim identification
Auteurs Suzanne van Dijk MSc en Mr. drs. Moniek Hutten

Suzanne van Dijk MSc
S.L. van Dijk MSc is criminoloog bij het FIOD – Anti-Corruptie Centrum.

Mr. drs. Moniek Hutten
Mr. drs. M. Hutten is vaktechnisch adviseur en criminoloog bij het FIOD – Anti-Corruptie Centrum.
  • Samenvatting

      There is no clear answer to the question if corruption makes victims. Currently an (international) discussion is taking place about this matter. On the one hand it can be discussed that corruption in general does not know any direct victims and that corruption can even take place without any damage. On the other hand it is known that corruption can cause tremendous public and financial damage, with society as a whole as the victim of this crime, whether or not in primary gradation. In the underlying article these two perspectives will be discussed and applied on two cases. Special attention will also be paid to the impact and relevance of pointing out the victims.

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