Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Tussen de regels door: hoe slachtofferschap bevestigd, bevraagd en ontkend wordt

Trefwoorden victimization, framing, #MeToo, sexual violence, observer interpretation
Auteurs Drs. Eva Mulder en Dr. mr. Alice Bosma

Drs. Eva Mulder
Drs. E. Mulder is promovenda bij INTERVICT van Tilburg University.

Dr. mr. Alice Bosma
Dr. mr. A.K. Bosma is universitair docent bij het Department of Criminal Law van Tilburg University.
  • Samenvatting

      Using frame analyses, the authors explore how people confirm, question or deny victimization, or refrain from interpretation. A frame consists of a problem definition (acts), the diagnosis of causes (identifying actors), and moral judgments. Results confirm that the interaction between factors defines the interpretation of victimization. Similar acts (for instance the consumption of alcohol) are ascribed different meanings depending on the type of frame. The positioning of actors in a frame determines who or what is perceived responsible for the (moral) judgment.

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