Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Genderdiversiteit en organisatiecriminaliteit: een systematische literatuurreview

Trefwoorden gender, white-collar crime, old boys network, board diversity, corporate crime
Auteurs Dr. Marieke Kluin MSc. en Mr. Lucy de Ruiter BSc.

Dr. Marieke Kluin MSc.
Dr. M.H.A. Kluin is als universitair docent Criminologie verbonden aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.

Mr. Lucy de Ruiter BSc.
L.M. de Ruiter heeft rechten en criminologie gestudeerd aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      Women are less likely to commit criminal acts than men. This gender gap appears to be particularly pronounced in white-collar crime. This systematic literature review examines existing theories, such as the situational hypothesis and the ‘gendered theory of focal concerns’ and evaluates to what extent they find support in empiricism. The results seem to offer the most support to the ‘gendered theory of focal concerns’. This nourishes the hypothesis that with an increase of women at positions in the upper tiers of the company ladder a decrease in the prevalence of white-collar crime can be expected. However, it is also possible that the explanation of corporate crime does not lie in a lack of femininity, but in a lack of gender diversity. Furthermore, limited access to informal criminal networks, the ‘old boys networks’, seems to play an important role in the gender gap of white-collar crime.

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