Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Strafrecht door de ogen van een witteboordencrimineel

Gevolgen en beleving van strafrechtspleging door vervolgden voor witteboordencriminaliteit

Trefwoorden Strafrechtspleging, Witteboordencriminaliteit, Detentiebeleving, Strafdoelen, Strafrechtelijk beleid
Auteurs Prof. mr. Wim Huisman en Drs. Dennis Lesmeister

Prof. mr. Wim Huisman
Prof. mr. W. Huisman is als hoogleraar criminologie verbonden aan de afdeling Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Drs. Dennis Lesmeister
Drs. D.R. Lesmeister is als geassocieerd onderzoeker verbonden aan de afdeling Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Internationally, research on the experiences of white-collar offenders with the criminal justice system and the consequences of prosecution and conviction is scarce. Such research becomes more relevant, as the response to white-collar crime has become more punitive and more offenders are convicted. This paper presents the experiences of the co-author as a convicted white-collar offender as an autobiographical case-study. In this cases study, the consequences and experiences during four phases (investigation, prosecution, sentence-execution and post-sentencing) are analysed on four live-domains: health, private life, social life and professional life. Such an approach could be a blueprint for further and more systematic study of the experiences with and consequences of criminal justice for white-collar offenders. Such study can shed light on the effects and actual achievement of goals of punishment for white-collar crime.

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