Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Hier zit een luchtje aan. Over het wegwerken van afvalstoffen door co-vergisting

Trefwoorden Environmental crime, Crime script analysis, Green criminology, Waste
Auteurs Shanna Mehlbaum MSc.

Shanna Mehlbaum MSc.
S.L. Mehlbaum, MSc. is criminoloog en eigenaar van Mehlbaum Onderzoek.
  • Samenvatting

      Fermentation production processes for biofuel lead to sustainable energy, but the fermenters can also be used to dispose illegal wastes. Although it’s known that the fermentation business is susceptible for illegal behavior, so far little empirical research is carried out about the modus operandi and criminogenic factors. In this study a crime script analysis (CSA) is conducted to map the criminal process. This analysis shows that the true nature of the illegal waste is concealed by trading without or with falsified (transport) documents and illegal blending. Legal traders operate illegal and form the crucial connection between disposers and end receivers. Criminogenic factors, such as complexity of regulation and inspection, European policy differences and the lack of profitability of the fermenters, make the branch vulnerable for criminal behavior. Intervention options are formulated per phase of the criminal process and aim at prevention or increasing the chance being caught.

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