Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Een schip op het strand is een baken in zee

Over de criminogene rol van bedrijven en overheden bij shipbreaking

Trefwoorden shipbreaking, state-corporate crime, environmental crime, case study, waste
Auteurs Jasmien Claeys MSc en Dr. Lieselot Bisschop

Jasmien Claeys MSc
J.C.D. Claeys (MSc) is onderzoeker bij het Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy van de Universiteit Gent.

Dr. Lieselot Bisschop
Dr. L.C.J. Bisschop is universitair docent aan de Erasmus School of Law van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Shipbreaking is the dismantling of discarded vessels to reuse parts and recycle secondary raw materials. The majority of discarded vessels ends up on Southeast Asian beaches, dismantled without regard for the environment or human health. Our case study analyses the environmental crime of shipbreaking by using the theoretical framework of state-corporate crime as a frame of analysis. We focus on Germany and Greece as countries of origin and Bangladesh as a country of destination. Our findings show that shipbreaking is the result of a complex criminogenic interplay of economic and political actors on national as well as international level.

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