Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


De invloed van snelle analyseresultaten op de interpretatie van een plaats delict

Een experimentele studie

Trefwoorden forensic science, crime scene investigation, mobile identification techniques, hypothesis formation, database matches
Auteurs Jaimy Meeuwissen MSc, MCI, Madeleine de Gruijter MSc en Prof. dr. Christianne de Poot

Jaimy Meeuwissen MSc, MCI
J.A.C. Meeuwissen MSc, MCI is recherchekundige bij de Nationale Politie, eenheid Oost-Brabant, Forensische Opsporing.

Madeleine de Gruijter MSc
M. de Gruijter MSc is promovendus bij het Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam.

Prof. dr. Christianne de Poot
Prof. dr. C.J. de Poot is hoogleraar criminalistiek aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, lector Forensisch Onderzoek aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en de Politieacademie en senior onderzoeker bij het WODC.
  • Samenvatting

      Mobile identification techniques will, in the near future, make it possible to rapidly analyze DNA and fingerprint traces during a crime scene investigation, compare them with reference samples, and use the results in the investigation. In this experimental study the influence of these rapid analysis results on the formation of hypotheses, and of database matches in these results on the interpretation of traces by Crime Scene Investigators (CSIs) in the Netherlands was studied. A group of CSIs (N=65) conducted a simulated crime scene investigation. The analysis results as well as the moment these were provided were manipulated. The results show that the analysis results influence the formation of hypotheses by CSIs, and that this influence is time-dependent. Judgments by CSIs regarding the importance of traces were shown not to be influenced by database matches.

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