Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


‘Dat het uwe Majesteit moge behagen de innigste wensch van een uwer onderdanen te vervullen’

Gratieverzoeken van vrouwen in de Rijkswerkinrichting 1886-1907

Trefwoorden female vagrants, Beggars, Reprieve, State Labor Institution
Auteurs Drs. Marian Weevers

Drs. Marian Weevers
Drs. M.H.A.C. Weevers is promovendus aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      The files of the women in the State Labor Institution who submitted a request for reprieve showed that they were well aware of the prevailing discourses. They referred for example to their indispensability at home as mother and spouse. In case they were in the Institution for the first time and had no ‘unfavorable’ reputation they mainly succeeded. The main consideration to grant a pardon was the prospect of maintenance to prevent recurrence and consequently nuisance for society. Those who were seriously ill were pardoned because they could not work, the youngest residents to save them from the bad influence of their older inmates. Nevertheless many returned in the State Labor Institution.

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