Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


‘We zijn geen padvinders’

Een verkennend onderzoek naar de criminele carrières van leden van één procent motorclubs

Trefwoorden Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, one percenters, criminal careers, adult onset
Auteurs Prof. Dr. Mr. Arjan Blokland, Melvin Soudijn en Dr. Eric Teng

Prof. Dr. Mr. Arjan Blokland
Prof. Dr. Mr. A.A.J. Blokland is senior Onderzoeker Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving en Bijzonder Hoogleraar Criminology and Criminal Justice, Universiteit Leiden.

Melvin Soudijn
Politie, Landelijke Eenheid afdeling Analyse & Onderzoek

Dr. Eric Teng
Dr. M.R.J. Soudijn is Senior Onderzoeker, Landelijke Eenheid, afdeling Analyse & Onderzoek.
  • Samenvatting

      Using officially registered conviction history data, this study examines the criminal careers of 601 members of Dutch outlaw motorcycle gangs, identified as such by the Dutch police. We find that the average 1% er in our sample is a 44-year-old, Dutch-born male. The large majority of these 1% ers have been convicted for a crime at least once. One in four convicted 1% ers can be classified as a chronic offender accumulating over ten convictions from age 12 until 2013. The large majority of 1% ers experiences an adult onset of their officially registered criminal career, with almost half acquiring their first conviction when they are aged 30 or older, challenging the generality of criminology's accepted conclusions about criminal career development.

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