Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Geestelijke verzorging in penitentiaire inrichtingen: zorg zonder targets

Trefwoorden chaplaincy, spiritual care, detainees, penal system
Auteurs Dr. Mohamed Ajouaou

Dr. Mohamed Ajouaou
Dr. M. Ajouaou is universitair docent islamitische theologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en hoofd Islamitische Geestelijke Verzorging bij het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.
  • Samenvatting

      Spiritual care is connected with one’s identity and is linked to the religious or worldview background of the detainee. The spiritual caregiver’s religious or worldview serves the question of care. This care does not have any ‘care targets’; the basic characteristics for this care are availability and presence. The positive effect of his or her efforts on the well-being of the detainee and his contribution to a humanitarian penal system, resocialization in general, and maintenance of order have already been proven. Despite the legal protection spiritual care cannot escape the discussion on the role of religion and worldview in a strongly secularized society. This article suggests that spiritual care weathers this questioning.

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