Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Kerend tij

Criminalisering van de kraakbeweging

Trefwoorden criminalizing, squatters, social movement, frames
Auteurs Dr. Frank van Gemert, Deanna Dadusc MSc en Rutger Visser MSc

Dr. Frank van Gemert
Dr. F.H.M. van Gemert is universitair docent bij de sectie criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit.

Deanna Dadusc MSc
D. Dadusc, MSc is als promovenda verbonden aan de Universiteit Utrecht en aan de University of Kent (VK).

Rutger Visser MSc
R. Visser, MSc is criminoloog en verbonden aan de faculteit sociale wetenschappen van de Vrije Universiteit.
  • Samenvatting

      In October 2010 squatting in the Netherlands was prohibited by law. This timing seems strange, because, in the 80s, the squatters’ movement had its heyday, with many very violent confrontations with police. Isn’t it strange that squatting is prohibited now the movement has shrunk and lost much of its significance? We investigate this criminalization of squatting by describing the rise and decline of the movement similar to the turning tide. Based on literature, media reports and our own research data, we demonstrate that the power of the parties in this process is reflected by frames, reasoning and the language they use, and by their position in the media.

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