Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Temperament en antisociaal gedrag in de kindertijd

De rol van empathie, etniciteit en gender

Trefwoorden zelfregulatie, agressie, jeugdigen, antisociaal gedrag
Auteurs Barbara Zwirs

Barbara Zwirs
Dr. B.W.C. Zwirs is universitair docent, sectie Criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, zwirs@frg.eur.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      Previous research in mainly white Western samples has shown that temperament and conscience are important explanations for antisocial behaviour. In the current cross-sectional study among 2,185 children of the four largest ethnic groups in the Netherlands, namely, 684 Dutch, 702 Moroccan, 434 Turkish, and 365 Surinamese children, it was examined how these factors together explain antisocial behaviour and to what extent these relationships are valid regardless of ethnicity and gender. Teachers completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire for children from grades three to five of elementary school. The temperament dimension self-regulation was negatively related to antisocial behaviour for boys and girls of all ethnic groups with the exception of Turkish boys. Temperamental fearfulness was negatively associated with antisocial behaviour only for Dutch girls. Irrespective of gender and ethnicity, empathy, an important aspect of conscience, was negatively related to antisocial behaviour. Self-regulation moderated the effect of fear on antisocial behaviour only for Dutch girls and Moroccan boys.

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