Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Vrouwen en witteboordencriminaliteit

Theorieën en hypothesen over sekseverschil

Trefwoorden Gender, Witteboordencriminaliteit, Vrouwelijke delinquenten, Feminisme
Auteurs Wim Huisman

Wim Huisman
Prof. dr. W. Huisman is hoogleraar criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, w.huisman@rechten.vu.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      White-collar crime is mostly committed by men. It remains to be seen if this will stay this way. Increasing numbers of women succeed in attaining management positions in organizations. Could we therefore expect an increase in female white-collar crime?Criminological theories on female crime and on white-collar crime lead to contradicting hypotheses.Research on white-collar and organizational crime predominantly produces a situational hypothesis explanation according to which we could expect that the rise of women in organizational hierarchies will also bring more female white-collar crime.Research on female delinquency might lead to an opposite gender-difference hypothesis that would predict less white-collar crime, because they have a lesser tendency to show risky behavior.In this article, both assumptions will be elaborated for further research, against the background of possible gender bias in the relation between women and white-collar crime.

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