Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


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Terugkeer en re-integratie van Bulgaarse vrouwen na uitbuiting in de prostitutie

Trefwoorden prostitutie, Bulgarije, remigratie, slachtofferschap
Auteurs MsC Loes Kersten

MsC Loes Kersten
L.G.P. Kersten MsC was student criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en voerde dit onderzoek uit in het kader van haar afstudeerproject, kersten.loes@gmail.com.
  • Samenvatting

      This research aimed to describe the remigration of Bulgarian women who had been exploited in prostitution in the Netherlands. The difficulties they encountered during their attempt to reintegrate in their environment of origin was one of the main points of interest. Files of Bulgarian women registered as victims have been analyzed in both the Netherlands and in Bulgaria. Interviews were held with current Bulgarian sex workers, former victims of trafficking and several professionals involved in the wellbeing of these women. In many cases remigration turned out to be a temporary situation as many women returned to the Netherlands later on. Partly for that reason it appeared difficult to keep track of their situation after they (initially) came back to Bulgaria. Many women encounter the very problems that contributed to the situation of trafficking in the first place. This makes it difficult to change their marginal position: prostitution remains a well paid option if the circumstances that have led to their exploitation in prostitution remain the same. This does not necessarily lead to repeated victimization, but at least to only a limited difference that reintegration programs can make.

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