Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Criminologie als studie en beroep

Trefwoorden opleiding criminologie, beroepsveld criminoloog, publieke criminologie
Auteurs Prof. dr. René van Swaaningen

Prof. dr. René van Swaaningen
Prof. dr. R. van Swaaningen is bijzonder hoogleraar internationaal comparatieve criminology, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en directeur, Onderzoeksschool Maatschappelijke Veiligheid (OMV), vanswaaningen@frg.eur.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      The primary goal of this article is to survey the various criminological study programmes in the Netherlands and Flanders and of the jobs students attain after graduating in criminology. The theoretical question posed is to what extent the enormous expansion of criminology over the last decade has contributed to the scientific development of criminology as a discipline and to better-informed crime policies. Though the answer to this question remains limited to an ‘it depends on how you look at it’ position, the author is not pessimistic. Taking into account the current grim penal climate and the fact that the criminologist is a relative newcomer on the Dutch labour market, the positions criminology students have been able to gain – with jobs within the police force, in research and policy-development as prime fields – give reason to be hopeful, if reflexivity and overview remain the primary educational goals and practical skills training is not seen as the ‘trick box’ for the ‘quick fix’ of the safety problem.

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