Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


De ontwikkeling van criminologisch onderzoek voor beleid en praktijk

Trefwoorden beleidsgerichte criminologie, professionele criminologie, WODC
Auteurs Prof. dr. mr. Bert Niemeijer

Prof. dr. mr. Bert Niemeijer
Prof. dr. mr. E. Niemeijer is bijzonder hoogleraar rechtssociologie, faculteit rechtsgeleerdheid, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam en coördinator strategieontwikkeling, Ministerie van Justitie, e.niemeijer@rechten.vu.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      This article first addresses the tension between scientific requirements and policy oriented criminological research. The article then proceeds to describe the historical development of policy oriented criminology in the Netherlands. This narrative can be divided into three phases: early history, the years 1980-1995 and the period from 1995. Criminology in the Netherlands has always had and retains a strong policy orientation. The growth of professional (academic) criminology is a relatively recent phenomenon. ‘Critical’ and ‘public’ criminology always have been and remain the work of individuals. The development of policy oriented criminological research in the Netherlands appears dependent on governmental involvement. The situations in Belgium and the USA give the same impression.

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