Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Vijftig jaar Tijdschrift voor Criminologie in cijfers

Wat gebeurde er de afgelopen tien jaar?

Trefwoorden Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, geschiedenis Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, auteurs Tijdschrift voor Criminologie
Auteurs Dr. Ben Rovers en Drs. Ruben Boers

Dr. Ben Rovers
Dr. G.B. Rovers is lector, Avans Hogeschool/ Expertisecentrum Veiligheid, Den Bosch en directeur, onderzoeksbureau BTVO, Den Bosch, benrovers@btvo.nl.

Drs. Ruben Boers
Drs. J.L.R. Boers is senior-onderzoeker, Avans Hogeschool / Expertisecentrum Veiligheid, Den Bosch, jlr.boers@avans.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      It has been ten years since an overview on contributing authors in Tijdschrift voor Criminologie was presented. This sequel pays attention to the backgrounds of the authors, the content of their articles, the quotations and their organisational backgrounds. In addition, attention has been given to authors that have contributed most and for the longest time. The number of female contributors and entries from Flemish criminologists has increased, as well as those from authors with a specific criminological background. Content-wise there is greater focus on matters such as recidivism and life course, and topics related to violence, sex offenses and organised crime. A considerable number of authors have NSCR backgrounds.

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