Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Lof der platheid

Over campusprotest en academische gemeenschap

Trefwoorden occupy universities, university as a ‘brand’, response to protest by university boards
Auteurs Willem Schinkel

Willem Schinkel
Willem Schinkel is hoogleraar sociale theorie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. schinkel@essb.eur.nl
  • Samenvatting

      The response to the Occupy­EUR protest and an invitation to a survey on the university as a ‘brand’ are provocations. They flatten what a university actually is. The first provocation is that the Occupy­EUR protest was framed by the university board as an opinion by protesters versus the ‘academic community’, instead of a protest against the university’s ties with the fossil fuel industry, to precarious labour, to student debt, and to the lack of campus accessibility. The second provocation is the very portrayal of the university as a ‘brand’. As a brand the university is reduced to a marketing image, flat like a 2D-picture.

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