Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


When life gives you lemons

Conducting criminological research in authoritarian contexts

Trefwoorden criminological research, authoritarian contexts, positionality, methods, risk
Auteurs Amr Marzouk

Amr Marzouk
Amr Marzouk is promovendus bij de sectie criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Zijn onderzoek gaat over cyber-politiek en cyber-criminaliteit in autoritaire regimes, met een speciale interesse in het mondiale Zuiden. marzouk@law.eur.nl
  • Samenvatting

      This article aims to contribute the discussion on the preferred criminological approach to conducting research under authoritarian conditions. It starts with the review of controversial issues emerging from the literature. Author’s personal research experience is subsequently fused with thus identified conclusions. The two form the basis for a set of critical (both in terms of importance and relativity) guidelines: researchers need to be reflexive regarding their positionality in the field, which, in turn, allows for a better assessment of the risks. Secondly, they need to approach the issue of imperfect data in a critical manner.

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