Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit

Book Review

Zes beginselen voor verantwoord gebruik van kunstmatige intelligentie in het publieke domein

Trefwoorden digital surveillance, Automatization, policing
Auteurs Martijn Wessels

Martijn Wessels
Martijn Wessels is onderzoeker smart surveillance bij TNO en promovendus Algorithmic Policing aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. martijn.wessels@tno.nl
  • Samenvatting

      Based on three academic books, it is analysed how artificial intelligence (AI) can radically change the manner how public domains are organised, and services are provided. Hereby, there is special attention to how AI is used for surveillance by law enforcement agencies, amplifying and transforming police functions. Based on this analysis, six principles for responsible automatization are provided. These principles can serve as a starting point for developing regulation and policy that ensure that AI is administered in such a way that it strengthens the position, knowledge and skills of people, and that this is secured through continuous democratic debates.

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