Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


De zegen en vloek van digitale politie­surveillance

Trefwoorden digital surveillance, police, effectiveness, human rights, change
Auteurs Wouter Landman

Wouter Landman
Wouter Landman werkt als zelfstandig onderzoeker en adviseur. wouter@bureaulandman.nl
  • Samenvatting

      Police surveillance is undergoing fundamental changes due to (use of) digital technology. It becomes disconnected from the eyes and brains of policemen. As a result, digital police surveillance has a larger scale, is more continuous and has more depth compared to traditional (human) police surveillance. These changes can – through several mechanisms – contribute to the effectiveness of policing. At the same time, digital police surveillance poses the risk of undermining the values the police is pledged to protect.

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