Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


McDonaldisering van elektronisch toezicht?

De enkelband en de hamburger: spot the difference

Trefwoorden elektronisch toezicht, enkelband, strafuitvoering, surveillance
Auteurs Tom Daems

Tom Daems
Tom Daems is hoogleraar criminologie, Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (LINC), KU Leuven. tom.daems@kuleuven.be
  • Samenvatting

      In this essay the author discusses the invention, development and expansion of electronic monitoring, that is, the use of ankle bracelets as a means to supervise and control offenders or suspects in the community, using George Ritzer’s work on McDonaldization. The author argues that processes of McDonaldization can certainly be identified but he also points at some of the limitations of using McDonaldization to understand electronic monitoring in contemporary society.

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