Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Voor roem of fortuin

Vervalsingen van archeologische objecten

Trefwoorden archaeological forgery, James Ossuary, Shroud of Turin, Piltdown Man Skull, Archaeoraptor Fossil
Auteurs Noah Charney

Noah Charney
Dr. Noah Charney is professor in de kunstgeschiedenis en oprichter van ARCA, de Association for Research Into Crimes Against Art, (www.artcrimeresearch.org). Hij is de auteur van bestsellers zoals The Art of Forgery (Phaidon 2015) en hij is oprichter van The Journal of Art Crime.
  • Samenvatting

      This paper looks at a selection of famous forgeries of archaeological objects – the James Ossuary, the Shroud of Turin, the Piltdown Man Skull and the Archaeoraptor Fossil – to consider how these artefacts were falsified for personal benefit, whether in terms of fame or finance. The Shroud of Turin was identified as a forgery as early as 1389, and yet the value in terms of income from pilgrims was such that it continued to be displayed and venerated. The James Ossuary was forged for profit and notoriety, to gain renown and then to sell. The Piltdown Man Skull was one of many alleged forgeries by a man who sought renown by finding the ‘missing link’ that proved the Darwinian theory of evolution from ape to homo erectus. The same motivation drove the scientists who tried to pass off the Archaeoraptor Fossil as the ‘missing link’ that proved the relation of dinosaurs and birds.

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