Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Verhalen in interviews

Kritisch meekijken met de narratieve criminologie

Trefwoorden narrative criminology, storytelling, interview, thick description, police
Auteurs Dr. Merlijn van Hulst

Dr. Merlijn van Hulst
Dr. Merlijn van Hulst is universitair hoofddocent aan Tilburg Law School, Tilburg.
  • Samenvatting

      Narrative criminology focuses on stories. It initially contrasted itself with standard approaches to interviewing. The founders of narrative criminology proposed that we understand that what the persons we investigate are telling us, as acting discursively and not as factual descriptions of events or accurate representations of their perspective. This critique I compare to previous critique on interviewing to show their overlap. Next, I critique these critiques. Finally, I propose several ways through which narratives in interviews can be enriched.

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