Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


De val van Jacobus Capitein en het debat over omstreden koloniale helden

Trefwoorden Jacobus Capitein, Atlantic history, Dutch history, slavery, postcolonialism
Auteurs Dr. Karwan Fatah-Black

Dr. Karwan Fatah-Black
Dr. Karwan Fatah-Black is universitair docent sociale en economische geschiedenis, Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      The post-colonial re-evaluation of prominent figures in Dutch history has been resisted fiercely in the public sphere. This article raises the question how lives from the colonial era that are a source of national pride, but are also tainted by their implication in the history of slavery, colonialism and racism can be presented in a way that does justice to their historical context. Jacobus Capitein, who was first enslaved and later became an advocate for slavery in the 1740s, was initially regarded a hero in the eighteenth century, but has received a far more critical evaluation since the second half of the twentieth century. This article takes the way in which professional historians and heritage institutions have dealt with the complex and layered life story of Jacobus Capitein as a model for approaching the lives of the canonical figures of Dutch Atlantic history.

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