Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Gevallen helden en geheugenoorlogen in voormalige Sovjetstaten

Trefwoorden collective memory, memory-wars, Soviet heroes, nationalism, nostalgia
Auteurs Prof. dr. Dina Siegel

Prof. dr. Dina Siegel
Prof. dr. Dina Siegel is hoogleraar criminologie bij het Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafrechtswetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      The relocation or destruction of the monuments of Soviet heroes in our times is in fact a process of replacement of one myth by the other. The commemoration of historical events has become the subject of struggle and manipulation of political power. The Soviet era is today the subject of divergent interpretations, ranging from nostalgia to denial, depending on the cultural, ethnic and socio-economic context in which these memories take place. In this article the processes are analysed, in which Lithuanians and Georgians change the meaning of symbols of their past in the attempt to redefine history and determine the fate of their fallen heroes.

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